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Merit Bars:


Merit bars are awarded for service in DeMolay activities, with the exception of Scholastics and Religion. The Advisory Council makes the final determination of whether a member has met the requirements for each bar. Each Merit Bar is earned in five colors:


  • 1st Award - White

  • 2nd Award - Red

  • 3rd Award - Blue

  • 4th Award - Purple

  • 5th Award - Gold


Each time a DeMolay earns the next level of a Merit Bar, he turns the previous color of that bar in. The header and drop are donated to each young man by our Chairman, Dad Paul Canales. Merit Bars are distributed in a special ceremony at each Installation of Officers.

Blue Honor Key:


The Blue Honor Key is awarded to an Active or Senior DeMolay for being the first line signer on 10 membership petitions. An Active member who secures fewer than 10 petitions before he reaches his majority may complete the requirements for this award after he reaches majority. Blue Honor Keys are also issues with a star for each multiple of 10 petitions secured.

Founder's Membership Award:


This award is granted to a DeMolay who has been the first line signer on five membership petitions.

Representative DeMolay Award:


The Representative DeMolay Award is the highest self-achievement award a DeMolay can earn. It is a self-assessment program where you identify goals for yourself and evaluate your progress towards them. To qualify, a DeMolay completes a detailed survey of his interests, achievements, general knowledge and skills.


"Dad" Land said it was his dream that every DeMolay should be a Representative DeMolay. The Representative DeMolay program was first established in 1924, and for many years was a competition to select outstanding DeMolays. In 1935, the program was redesigned to fill a growing need for self-evaluation by every DeMolay.


A DeMolay must have been a member for six months before submitting his Representative DeMolay evaluation form. He must also have earned his Obligation Card (earned by repeating the Initiatory and DeMolay Degree obligations from memory to a Chapter advisor.

Distinguished Service Award:


The International Supreme Council established the Distinguished Service Award in 1959. In some Jurisdictions, the award is known as "DeMolay of the Year." The purpose of the award is to recognize one DeMolay for outstanding service to others in his home, school, church, Chapter, community, and Country.

Past Master Councilor's Meritorious Service Award:


A Master Councilor must exercise good program planning in order to qualify for the PMC-MSA

Past Illustrious Knight Commander's Meritorious Service Award:


An Illustrious Knight Commander of a Priory must exercise good program planning in order to qualify for the PIKC-MSA

Degree of Chevalier:


The Degree of Chevalier is the highest honor that an active DeMolay can receive. This honor may also be granted to a Senior DeMolay. The Degree is a citation for outstanding DeMolay service and activity. In order to receive the honor, a DeMolay must be at least 17 years old on January 15th of the year nominated and have been a member for at least two years as of that date.


The Degree cannot be applied for, and nominations for the Degree are made without the knowledge of the recipient. A unanimous vote of the International Supreme Council at its regular Session is required to elect a nominee.


Recommendations are made by the Advisory Council to the Executive Officer, who sets a deadline date for submission of recommendations each year. A nomination fee is set each year by the Grand Secretary to cover the cost of processing and regalia. The Chevalier Ring is available from the DeMolay online store.

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