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                                                           01                                       NAME

                                                           02                                       PURPOSE

                                                           03                                       COMPOSITION, DELEGATION, VISITORS

                                                           04                                       OFFICERS

                                                           05                                       DUTIES OF OFFICERS

                                                           06                                       DISTRICT DEPUTY STATE MASTER COUNCILOR

                                                           07                                       DUTIES OF THE DISTRICT DEPUTY STATE MASTER COUNCILOR

                                                           08                                       STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

                                                           09                                       COMMITTEES AND COORDINATORS

                                                           10                                       FINANCES

                                                           11                                       STATE ASSOCIATION MEETING

                                                           12                                       QUORUM

                                                           13                                       MANNER OF VOTING IN THE STATE ASSOCIATION

                                                           14                                       NOMINATIONS AND ELECTION OF STATE ASSOCIATION MEMBERS

                                                           15                                       PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY

                                                           16                                       ALLEGIANCE AND RECOGNITION

                                                           17                                       AMENDMENTS

                                                           18                                       ADOPTION          





The name of the State Association shall be: TEXAS DeMOLAY ASSOCIATION.


DeMolay is the premier youth organization dedicated to teaching young men to be better persons and leaders. Under the "advisorship" of adults; leadership skills, civic awareness, responsibility, and character development are learned through a variety of self directed, real world applications and activities. DeMolay builds confidence; teaches responsibility, cooperation and community service; and fosters trust, respect, fellowship, patriotism, reverence, and sharing.



The purpose of this State Association shall be:

  1. To promote the general interests of the Order of DeMolay in Texas by providing a means of developing interchapter interest, by providing an opportunity for exchange of ideas and information between the constituent chapters and by the distribution of information throughout the membership.

  2. To seal with the bonds of friendship, the common interests created by service in the Order of DeMolay.

  3. To serve in every way possible each constituent DeMolay Chapter and appendant body in this state, to aid as far as practical in the solution of constituent chapter problems, and to create a desire to practice as well as teach the principles incorporated in the ritual of the Order of DeMolay within the constituent chapters.

  4. To offer a hand of assistance to every constituent chapter and appendant body, recognizing that the value of the State Association does not lie in interference, but rather in cooperation. It shall not be the privilege, duty or right of any officer or member of this State Association to interfere with the Administration of any constituent chapter.

  5. To encourage degree and athletic tournaments, and visitations among constituent chapters to the ultimate good of individual DeMolays, and by so doing, promote the great DeMolay Spirit of Goodwill and Comradeship.



Section 1 - Composition
The State Association shall be composed of:

  1. The constituent DeMolay chapters under the obedience of the Executive Officer of Texas, acting by and through their duly accredited delegates, when said chapters are in good standing with DeMolay International and its Executive Officer in Texas.

  2. The State Association Officers, elected and appointed during their respective terms of office.

  3. The Past State Master Councilors, Past Deputy State Master Councilors, Past State Senior and Junior Councilors, Past State Treasurers, and Past State Scribes of the State Association, while active or Senior members of constituent chapters under the obedience of the Executive Officer.

  4. The regular and affiliated Past Master Councilors of constituent chapters under the obedience of the Executive Officer, while active or Senior members of said chapters. The term "Affiliated Past Master Councilors" as used in these Bylaws include those DeMolays who have served as Master Councilors of Chapters in other DeMolay jurisdictions, who are now active or Senior members of Chapters in the Jurisdiction of Texas.

Section 2 - Delegates
The delegates of constituent Texas Chapters shall be active DeMolays and shall include the Master Councilor, Senior Councilor, Junior Councilor, Treasurer and Scribe or their proxies as certified by a chapter advisor.

Section 3 - Visitors
Active and Senior Members of the Order, members of the Advisory Councils and Master Masons under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. & A.M. or under the jurisdiction of a Grand Lodge in fraternal recognition with the Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. & A.M. and all others approved by the Executive Officer, may attend all conclaves of the State Association.


Section 1 - Style and Rank
The Officers of the State Association, their ranks and titles shall be as follows:

  • State Master Councilor

  • Deputy State Master Councilor

  • State Senior Councilor

  • State Junior Councilor

  • State Treasurer

  • State Scribe

  • District Deputy State Master Councilor

Section 2 - Elected State Officers
The State Master Councilor, Deputy State Master Councilor, State Senior Councilor, and State Junior Councilor shall be elected.  The Deputy State Master Councilor shall be deemed elected to the office of State Master Councilor and shall automatically advance to the office of State Master Councilor [with the permission of the Executive Officer] at the next annual Conclave of the Texas DeMolay Association .The District Deputy State Master Councilor shall be elected by their district.

  1. No elected State Officer or District Deputy State Master Councilor who is a Master Mason may serve in an elected Lodge or Masonic office while serving as an elected State Officer or District Deputy State Master Councilor.

Section 3 - Appointed State Officers
The State Treasurer and State Scribe shall be appointed by the Executive Officer.

Section 4 - Time of Election, Appointment and Installation
The election and appointment of State Officers of the State Association shall be held at the Annual State Conclave and shall have priority over all other business; and thereafter, the officers, elected and appointed, shall be duly installed at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Officer.

Section 5 - Requisites
The Requisites for State Officers shall be as follows:

  1. A candidate for office in the Texas DeMolay Association must have the written permission of his Advisory Council, District Governor or other representative of the Executive Officer and the candidates Parents/Guardians before seeking permission from the Executive Officer to run for a State Association Office.  Parents/Guardians shall have a personal meeting with the District Governor or other representative of the Executive Officer for the purpose of clearly understanding the duties and responsibilities of State Office.

  1. All candidates must have acquired permission to run prior to the deadline set by the Executive Officer from year to year and file a "Declaration of Interest to Run for Office" {Appendix A} prior to deadline set by the Executive Officer.

  1. The Deputy State Master Councilor shall be a Past Master Councilor of a constituent Texas Chapter and shall have successfully completed the Leadership Correspondence Courses required by the Executive Officer and have received the Representative DeMolay Award.  The State Senior Councilor and State Junior Councilor shall be a Past Master Councilor of constituent Texas Chapters, and shall not have reached majority at the time of their installation, and shall have successfully completed the Leadership Correspondence Courses required by the Executive Officer and have received the Representative DeMolay Award. The State Treasurer and State Scribe shall be a Past Master Councilor of constituent Texas Chapters and have received the Representative DeMolay Award.

  1. The State Master Councilor, Deputy State Master Councilor, State Senior Councilor, and State Junior Councilor must have reached their sixteenth birthday on or before the day of their election and possess a valid Texas Drivers License with proof of Insurance.

  1. To be eligible to become Deputy State Master Councilor, an active DeMolay shall have served as District Deputy State Master Councilor; State Senior Councilor or State Junior Councilor of the Texas DeMolay Association or State Illustrious Knight Commander of the Texas State Priory.

Section 6 - Term of Office
Terms of office shall be one year or until their successors have been elected and installed.

Section 7 - Vacancies
In the case of a vacancy in any office any Active DeMolay may be appointed for the remainder of the term by the Executive Officer.  In the case of a vacancy in the office of Deputy State Master Councilor the office shall be filled by nomination by the State Executive Committee provided that said nominee is approved by the Executive Officer.


Section 1 - State Master Councilor
The State Master Councilor shall preside at the conclaves of the State Association and shall be the administrative head of the State Association in the State of Texas during his term of office. He shall appoint committees and coordinators as provided in these By-Laws and make such visits as are expedient. He shall consult with the report to the Executive Officer, and shall perform such other duties which naturally pertain to such an office or which may devolve upon him from time to time.  He shall be responsible for conducting a State Master Councilor Leadership Retreat/Workshop as sanctioned by the Executive Officer.

Section 2 - Deputy State Master Councilor
The Deputy State Master Councilor shall assist the State Master Councilor in the discharge of the latter’s duties and in the latter’s absence, preside. In addition, he is to be in charge of overseeing the progress of all State Activities while planning for his term of office as State Master Councilor.  The Deputy State Master Councilor shall submit his term plan to the State Chapter Dad and the Executive Officer no later than sixty (60) days prior to the opening of the State Conclave in which he shall succeed to the office of State Master Councilor.

The Deputy State Master Councilor shall be responsible for the assimilation of articles for the TEXAS DEMOLAY CROWN at the direction of the Executive Officer.

Section 3 - State Senior Councilor
The State Senior Councilor shall have such duties as prescribed by the State Master Councilor; also he is in charge of overseeing the progress in membership. As Chairman of the State Membership Committee he is to help each chapter in the State meet their quota of initiates.

Section 4 - State Junior Councilor
The State Junior Councilor shall have such duties as prescribed by the State Master Councilor; also he is to work with the State Senior Councilor as Vice-Chair of the State Membership Committee to help each chapter in the State meet their quota of initiates.

Section 5 - State Treasurer
The State Treasurer shall have such duties as prescribed by the Executive Officer.

Section 6 - State Scribe
The State Scribe shall have such duties as prescribed by the Executive Officer.



Section 1 - Requisites
A District Deputy State Master Councilor shall be a Master Councilor or Past Master Councilor of or in the constituent chapter in the District in which he will reside and serve as District Deputy State Master Councilor and shall have not reached his majority at the time of election. He shall have successfully completed the Leadership Correspondence Courses required by the Executive Officer and shall have completed the Representative DeMolay Award. No District Deputy State Master Councilor shall be elected to the office who does not intend to remain in his district during his entire term.  The requisites for candidates for District Deputy State Master Councilor shall be the same as for State Officers as outlined in Article 4, Section 5a and 5b herein, with the exception that no drivers license shall be required and the membership requirement shall be one (1) new member, not (2) new members.

Section 2 - Time of Selection and Installation
A District Deputy State Master Councilor shall be elected at a time and in a manner prescribed by the Executive Officer at the Annual State Conclave. Each District Deputy State Master Councilor shall be duly installed at the Annual State Conclave.

Section 3 - Manner of Selection
A District Deputy State Master Councilor may be elected in the same manner of voting as in the State Association and in accordance with Article Thirteen, Section 1 - 7 of these By-Laws; provided that accredited voters must be members of the constituent district chapters, and provided that the election shall be determined by a majority of the accredited voters present and voting.

Section 4 - Term of Office
Term of office shall be one year, commencing at the close of the Annual State Conclave and terminating at the close of the next Annual State Conclave, or until the District Deputy State Master Councilor's successor has been elected and installed.
Section 5 – Vacancy
A vacancy in the position of District Deputy State Master Councilor shall be filled by appointment of the State Master Councilor provided that said appointment has the consent of the District Governor and is approved by the Executive Officer.



Section 1 - Official Representative
A District Deputy State Master Councilor is the personal representative of the State Master Councilor in his district, and is the official representative of his district to the State Association.

Section 2 - Official Visit
A District Deputy State Master Councilor is required to make at least one official visit to each of the constituent chapters in his district during his term as District Deputy State Master Councilor of his district.

Section 3 – Reports
A District Deputy State Master Councilor shall make a written report relevant to an official visit and such other reports as the State Master Councilor may require concerning activities of the constituent chapters within his district. Reports shall be copied to the State DAD, State Councilors, State Scribe, District Governor and the Executive Officer and/or his Personal Representative.

Section 4 – Attendance
A District Deputy State Master Councilor is required to attend all meetings of the State Executive Committee, all conclaves and any other functions deemed necessary by the State Master Councilor of the State Association unless excused from attendance by the State Master Councilor.

Section 5 - Chapter Installation
A District Deputy State Master Councilor shall be able to coordinate an installing team and an initiation team for any chapter within his district.

Section 6 – Removal
Any District Deputy State Master Councilor who fails to fulfill any of the duties as prescribed in this article may be removed from office by a recommendation of the State Master Councilor with the consent of the District Governor and approval of the Executive Officer.

Section 7 – State Membership Committee
The District Deputy State Master Councilors shall collectively constitute the membership of the State Membership Committee.



Section 1 - Composition
There shall be a State Executive Committee composed of the elected and the appointed State Officers provided for in these By-Laws and the District Deputy State Master Councilors of the several DeMolay districts. The Presiding Officer of the Texas State Priory Order of Knighthood, the Texas State Court of Chevaliers, and the Texas State Preceptory Legion of Honor shall be ex-officio non-voting members of the State Executive Committee.

Section 2 – Meetings
The State Executive Committee shall meet twice annually at the Annual State Conclave and Government Day. Special meetings of the State Executive Committee may be called by the State Master Councilor with the concurrence of the Executive Officer provided notice thereof is mailed to members of the State Executive Committee at least 30 days prior to the meeting.

Section 3 - Presiding Officer
The State Master Councilor shall preside at any meeting of the State Executive Committee, provided all members of the State Executive Committee as herein before defined shall have the privilege of proposing measures and being heard in debate, and shall have the privilege of voting: provided, however, that in the case of a tie in a vote by members of the State Executive Committee present, the State Master Councilor may cast the deciding vote, if he has not otherwise voted.

Section 4 – Participation

Subject to the approval of the State Master Councilor, a member of the State Association may attend any meeting of the State Executive Committee and may participate in debate and discussion.




Section 1 - Standing Committees
The State Master Councilor shall appoint the members of the Standing Committees provided for by these By-Laws from the membership of the State Executive Committee, unless otherwise specified.

Section 2 - Committee on Credentials
The Committee on Credentials shall consist of three members and shall prepare a form which shall be used for accrediting voters at the time of the Annual State Conclave. The committee shall receive from each constituent chapter a proper listing of names of the accredited voters certified by a chapter advisor, and shall certify the same to the State Scribe before the time set for voting.

Section 3 - Committee on Elections
The Committee on Elections shall consist of three members approved by the Executive Officer and may act as tellers during the election of the State Officers or any other matter on which a vote is taken. The Committee shall provide such materials and equipment as is necessary for conducting the election of State Officers as set forth by the Executive Officer. 
The Committee on Elections shall determine the manner of balloting for State Officers in consultation with the State Master Councilor and the Executive Officer.  The Committee decisions on the manner of balloting shall be final, subject to the approval of the Executive Officer.

Section 4 - Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation
The Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation shall consist of three members and shall take under advisement all questions of order, and shall seek advice from the State Master Councilor before announcing said decisions and the decisions of the Committee which are approved the State Master Councilor shall be final subject to the approval of the Executive Officer.

All amendments to these By-Laws; all resolutions, rules, regulations of the State Association, all matters pertaining to DeMolay Jurisprudence and such other matters as this State Association and/or the Executive Officer may decide, shall be referred to the Committee, who with the State Master Councilor shall examine, consider and report thereon, before same shall be acted upon or published subject to the approval of the Executive Officer.

Section 5 - Ritual Committee
The State Director of Ritual shall be the Chairman of the Ritual Committee.  The State Master Councilor shall make appointments to the Ritual Committee.  The Executive Officer must approve all appointments.

The Ritual Committee shall have an annual meeting in the fourth quarter of each year following the Annual State Conclave, prior to the several DeMolay Ritual Competitions, to be called by the Ritual Chairman. Thirty days notice shall be given.

The Ritual Committee shall write and/or approve all degree rules used at Ritual Competitions and shall be vested with the authority to make policy for ritual competitions. Their decisions, subject to the approval of the Executive Officer, shall be final. The State Ritual Director shall supervise and administer ritual competitions as set down by the Ritual Committee.

Section 6 - Athletics Committee
The State Director of Athletics shall be chairman and direct the State Athletic Committee.  The State master shall make appointments to said committee.  All appointments must be approved by the Executive Officer.

The Athletic Committee shall have an annual meeting in the fourth quarter of each year following the Annual State Conclave. Thirty days notice shall be given thereof. The Athletics Committee shall write and/or approve all rules used at athletic competitions and shall be vested with the authority to make policy for athletic competitions. Their decisions, subject to the approval of the Executive Officer, shall be final. The State Athletic Director shall supervise and administer athletic competitions in accordance with the rules and policies set down by the Athletic Committee.  Safety for all participants and spectators must be a prime concern when making rules for the various athletic events.

Section 7 – Membership Committee
The Chairman of the State Membership Committee shall be the State Senior Councilor; the Vice-Chair of the State Membership Committee shall be the State Junior Councilor.  The membership of the State Membership Committee shall be the several District Deputy State Master Councilors and any other appointed to said committee by the State Master Councilor, with the approval of the Executive Officer.  The State Membership Committee shall work under the direction and guidance of the State DAD.

Section 8 - Special Committees
The State Master Councilor shall also appoint such special committees as may be deemed expedient from among the members of the State Executive Committee or from the membership in general of the State Association.

Section 9 – Chairman
The first-named member of any committee shall be Chairman thereof.

Section 10 - Ex-officio
The State Master Councilor and Deputy State Master Councilor shall be ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 11 - State of Coordinators
The State Master Councilor may, at his discretion, appoint active DeMolays to assist him in the administration of his office and may assign them either specific or general areas of responsibility.


Section 1 - General
The finances shall be provided from the constituent chapters under the obedience of the Executive Officer and from such other assessments and contributions as may be determined by the Executive Officer; all disbursements will be under the direction of the Executive Officer.

Section 2 – Report
A report of the annual receipts and disbursements shall be made annually.

Section 3 - State Fees

Each constituent Texas Chapter shall pay to the State Association an amount to be determined by the Executive Officer for each initiate reported to the DeMolay International. This fee shall be due and payable within ten days after the conferring of the Initiatory Degree.




The State Association shall meet annually at the State Conclave and at such times and/or places as may be determined by the State Master Councilor, provided that thirty (30) days notice is given thereof.



To constitute a quorum to transact business at any meeting of the State Association, accredited voters of at least one-fifth of the constituent chapters must be present.




Section 1 - Accredited Voters
Accredited voters shall include delegates as defined in these By-Laws, regular and affiliated Past Master Councilors or constituent Texas Chapters who have not reached their majority.

Section 2 - Majority Office Holder
A Senior DeMolay serving as Master Councilor of a constituent Texas Chapter who was installed prior to reaching majority may have one vote. A Senior DeMolay serving as State Master Councilor, Deputy State Master Councilor, State Senior Councilor, or State Junior Councilor who was installed prior to reaching majority may have one vote. A Senior DeMolay serving as State Treasurer or State Scribe who was installed prior to reaching majority and is completing his first term of office may have one vote. A Senior DeMolay servings as District Deputy State Master Councilor who was installed prior to reaching his majority may have one vote.

Section 3 - Voting Limitations
No voting delegate or member of the State Association may have more than one vote. A Past Master Councilor holding chapter office and serving as a delegate may have one vote.  If he elects to take his vote as Past Master Councilor, the chapter may proxy his vote as a delegate.

Section 4 - Dual Membership
An accredited voter who is a delegate from one chapter and holds dual membership with another chapter must vote with the chapter of which he is a delegate. Past Master Councilors and State Executive Committee members holding dual memberships and who are not delegates of a constituent chapter may elect to vote with one chapter or the other.

Section 5 - Present at Time of Voting
An accredited voter must be present at conclave at the time of balloting for State Officers in order for his vote to be tabulated.  For balloting on any other matters he must be present at the time of the ballot.

Section 6 - Questions Determined by Majority
All questions except the amendment of these By-Laws shall be determined by a majority of the voters present at the time of balloting; provided however, that the voters who abstain shall be excluded from the tally of the ballot.

Section 7 – Certification
Before proceeding with any balloting (including the election of the State Association Officers) the Committee on Credentials shall certify that a quorum is present and shall certify the credentials of each chapter.



Section 1 – Nominations
Nominations must be made at a business session at the conclave prior to the day of election. Only those candidates certified to run by the Executive Officer may be nominated.  Short nomination statements may be permitted in a form approved by the Executive Officer.  Nominations need not be seconded.

Section 2 - Manner of Balloting
The State Scribe may first call the roll of all constituent chapters and verify the certification and accreditation of voters. There being no objections or corrections, the State Scribe shall conduct the election by written ballot or by a ballot tabulating system.

Section 3 - Majority Vote to Elect
A majority of votes cast will be necessary to elect.  If a majority is not reached on a ballot, the person receiving the lowest number of votes will be automatically eliminated from each subsequent ballot.

Section 4 - Results Tabulated and Announced
With the approval of the Executive Officer, the Committee on Elections may tabulate the vote and report the results to the Executive Officer and the State Master Councilor; the State Master Councilor or the Executive Officer may announce the results. 

Section 5 - Questions Concerning Vote
Any question concerning the recording of votes will be decided by the Executive Officer or at his discretion the Committee on Elections, subject to the approval of the Executive Officer.




All meetings of the State Association shall be governed by "Robert' Rules of Order, Revised" in all cases where applicable and not inconsistent with the Statues of the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay, the directives, edicts and orders of the Executive Officer, and the By-Laws rules and regulations of the State Association.




The chapters, State Association Officers, and such others that comprise the State Association acknowledge their allegiance to DeMolay International and the Executive Officer in Texas.




Section 1 – Process
These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of accredited voters at any meeting of the State Association, provided that the proposed amendment originated and was passed by the State Executive Committee by two-thirds vote prior to the business meeting and provided that the proposed amendment is approved by the Executive Officer after it has passed at the business meeting.

Section 2 - Other Amendments
Any action of DeMolay International and/or its Executive Officer in Texas which may affect or alter these By-Laws is hereby declared to be an approved amendment.




These By-Laws shall be placed in full force and effective upon declaration of the Executive Officer or approval in the manner prescribed for amendments to these By-Laws and shall supersede all previous Constitutions and By-Laws for this State Association.






  1. Declaration of Interest to Run for State Office

  2. Requirements for Running For A State Office

  3. Social Networking Disclosure

  4. State Officer Installation Ritual

  5. Advisory Councils

    Members of Advisory Councils in the Texas DeMolay Association should repeat DAD training every 5 years.  No Advisor shall become certified as a Trainer until having completed a minimum of two years of active service as an Advisor with a constituent Chapter.  All Advisors, Masonic and Non-Masonic, shall be subject to the oversight of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas.

    If a lapse occurs in Advisory Council service which requires a new Advisor Worker Profile said Advisor shall be required to repeat DAD training as a new Advisor.

  6. Chevaliers
    A nominee for the Degree of Chevalier must be an RD. Decreed by Executive Officer in 1958.

  7. Life Membership Plan
    Each constituent DeMolay Chapter should adhere to the Texas DeMolay Life Membership Plan. This Plan requires that each constituent chapter have three bank accounts as follows: General Fund Account, Life Membership Account, and Permanent Reserve Account. Initiation and Life Membership Fees will be spread among these three accounts equally after payments to DeMolay International and Texas DeMolay Association, i.e. $15 to each account.  If your Chapter Initiation and Life Membership fee is more than $80.00, then you may allocate the excess fees in the Chapter's discretion. A chapter should not charge less than the minimum fee of $80.00 for Initiation and Life Membership, with subsequent amendments to increase the minimum fee consistent with increases in DeMolay International or Texas DeMolay Association fees.

  8. Executive Officer Decrees
    A Chapter should confer both Degrees at the same time, whenever possible. Decreed by Executive Officer in 1962.  [Amended 2009]
    A DeMolay should not be installed as Master Councilor of a constituent Chapter unless he is an RD. This regulation was promulgated by the District Governors to be effective October 1, 1965 and was modified by the Executive Officer in 1965 to be effective October 1, 1966.  [Amended 2009]
    Persons eligible to serve as Installing Officials in various DeMolay Bodies are as follows:

    • Any Active, Emeritus, Deputy or Honorary Member of the International Supreme Council may fill any position at any time. 

    • DeMolay Chapter Installation Service: All of the Required Parts for the Installation Service should be either Past or Present Master Councilors. The Required Parts for an Installation Service may be a minimum of the Installing Officer, the Installing Marshal, and the Installing Chaplain.

    • Knighthood Priory Installation Service: All of the required parts for the Installation Service shall be either Past or Present Illustrious Knight Commanders.  The required parts for an Installation Service may be a minimum of the Installing Officer and the Installing Knight Preceptor.

    • Chevalier Courts: The Installing Officials should be either Past or Present Commanders of a local Court, or Past State Commanders or the Present State Commander of the Texas State Court of Chevaliers.

    • Legion of Honor Preceptories: Installing Officials should be either Past or Present Deans of a local Preceptory or Past State Deans or the Present State Dean of the Texas State Preceptory Legion of Honor.

    • Parents Auxiliary or Mother's Clubs or Mother's Circles: Installing Officials shall be either Past or Present Presidents of local bodies or Past State Presidents or the present State President of the Texas State DeMolay Auxiliary.

    • Advisory Councils: The Installing Officials shall be either the Executive Officer or his Personal Representative, Members of the International Supreme Council, Past or Present Chairmen of an Advisory Council, or the Present Presiding Officer of the Masonic Sponsoring Body of the DeMolay Chapter or the Knighthood Priory.
      This Regulation restates the custom and tradition that only those who have held the highest office or who are holding the highest office may install others into that office and conforms to Texas Masonic practice.
      [Amended 2009]

  9. The Executive Officer has set the following Requirements for Running for a State Office as of May 25, 2005:
    Must file a "Declaration of Interest" application with the Executive Officer prior to the date specified by the Executive Officer in the year of the Conclave in which he intends to run for office.

    Both the Chapter Dad and the Chairman of the Advisory Council of your chapter must sign the “Declaration of Interest” affirming all requirements have been met (this includes Chapter Dad and Chairman of all chapters of which you are a dual member) or the permission of the District Governor may suffice.

    Must have the on-going FULL SUPPORT of his parents and/or legal guardians in order to run for and remain an elected State Officer.  This must be in writing and submitted along with his "Declaration."  If the parents/guardians have not had a meeting with the Executive Officer the District Governor or a personal representative of the Executive Officer must also certify that a meeting has been held with the parents/guardians regarding the responsibilities of State Office

    As required by the State Bylaws and as a requirement of the Executive Officer, candidates must be a Past Master Councilor at the time of election.  He must have received his Representative DeMolay Award and also passed the first course of the Leadership Correspondence Course. He must also be proficient in his ritual work, and have attended a Leadership Training Conference or a State Master Councilor's Retreat prior to running for office.

    He must, at all times, have a valid driver's license and not have received more than two (2) moving violations in the previous twelve (12) months. A moving violation is speeding (other than reckless driving), red light violations, stop sign violations, etc. The E.O. may waive this rule.

    He must not have reached his 21st birthday at the time of his installation as a State Officer. 

    He must submit a complete and full list of all his social internet sites, included but not limited to Face Book; My Space; You Tube; twittering sites; and/or any other sites that he has access to along with the other required documents.  He must maintain an accurate list with the Executive Officer and/or his designate during his term of office.

    The Deputy State Master Councilor will automatically advance to the Office of State Master Councilor and will not need to stand for election for the year in which he is to be installed State Master Councilor, provided he has filed a current “Declaration of Interest” and has met the membership requirement for the current year.  In the event the office of State Master Councilor is vacated, the Deputy State Master Councilor may automatically advance to complete the vacated term.  He must then fill his own term to receive the title Past State Master Councilor.

    Must have and subsequently retain a 2 or 3 piece SUIT with the designated accessories after his election. He may also need a BLACK TUXEDO for certain Installations, Chevalier Investitures, etc.

    All State Officers must have available, at all times, transportation with which to travel throughout the state to fulfill his duties.  They are also required to have an operating cell phone and workable email address during their terms in office. 

    Operating cell phone means one that they can be contacted at anytime during non-school hours, while on the road or at home.  Workable email address is defined to mean one that they will be able to send and receive emails on a daily basis when required to keep contact with the Executive Officer and other State Officers.  All email messages and cell phone contacts from the Executive Officer or one of his staff are to be responded to within 24 hours.

    He must have been the 1st line signer (within 12 months prior to the current deadline specified by the Executive Officer) on two (2) new members’ petitions.  The petitioners must have been subsequently initiated at the time of the Declaration.

    He must have served as State Junior Councilor or State Senior Councilor or District Deputy State Master Councilor or State Illustrious Knight Commander or Deputy State Illustrious Knight Commander to run for the office of Deputy State Master Councilor. 

    Failure to perform the duties or responsibilities assigned to him by the Executive Officer or any of his designated representatives, or any noncompliance with any applicable Section of the ISC Statutes, will be cause for removal as any of the elected State Officers. 

    The Executive Officer is the only person who may interpret this Policy and/or authorize any deviations there from.

    All applicants must attend the E.O. interview session at Conclave, the E.O. conference after Conclave, and all state DeMolay functions designated by the Executive Officer as a state DeMolay function.  Each State Officer is also required to attend the annual communications of the Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star, Grand Royal Arch Chapter, Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters, and the Grand Commandery, if directed to do so.  Only those who have prior approval to be absent are excused.  Simply failing to show up at any event will be cause for removal of office.

    All expenses pertaining to the State Officer’s position which you occupy will be incurred by you, the state officer and/or his parents / guardians. Texas DeMolay may cover housing at certain Masonic events.

    No State Officer, during his term of office will consume alcoholic beverages nor use controlled substances while involved in, or enroute to or from, any Masonic or DeMolay event. 

    Violation of any Laws of the State of Texas will be cause for immediate removal.   Any activity in violation of municipal laws; the Laws of the State of Texas or Federal Government; or any activity/conduct etermined to be unbecoming of a DeMolay will be cause for immediate removal.

    All "Declarations" must be completed and returned to the Executive Officer by the specified date, prior to the State Conclave at which the applicant desires to be considered for an elected state office. “Declarations” do NOT carry over from year to year.  The postmark on the envelope will determine the date the Declaration is mailed.  Any Declarations not sent in by the required date will not be considered.  Remember, it is the responsibility of the DeMolay running for office (not his Advisors) to get it in on time.  NO EXCUSES.

    The Interview with the Candidates (and their parents) with the Executive Officer or his designate must be in person or by phone prior to the candidate being considered for the office in which he is a candidate. The Executive Officer's meeting will be held on Thursday evening of Conclave. All candidates MUST attend this meeting.

    SEE ALSO: Appendix A; B and C

    [Amended 2009]

  10.  Random Searches

    The presence of any controlled substance or alcohol at any DeMolay event is specifically prohibited.  All persons herein defined in Article 3 as Active, Senior, Delegates or Visitors shall, at the request and discretion of the Executive Officer or his Personal Representative, make themselves and any vehicle; luggage; backpack or any item containing personal property available for a random and reasonable search procedure.

    Any individual defined herein found to be in possession of said items shall immediately be subject to the provisions of DeMolay International By-Laws; Rules and Regulations; Texas DeMolay Association By-Laws and Rules and Regulations.  Any such individual shall be subject to dismissal from the DeMolay event and additional disciplinary action.

  11. Texas DeMolay Crown

    The State Master Councilor, Deputy State Master Councilor, State Senior and Junior Councilors and State Illustrious Knight Commander shall each be responsible for regular submission of articles for the TEXAS DEMOLAY CROWN at the direction of the Executive Officer.

    The District Deputy State Master Councilors shall be responsible for regular submission of articles for the TEXAS DEMOLAY CROWN.  They shall be submitted to the Deputy State Master Councilor who will check them for accuracy and forward them to the Executive Officer.

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